- Some few measures to protect pupils from potential harm and provides guidelines on Netiquette
- http://www.moe.gov.sg/edumall/tl/net/orientation/index_safety.html
- http://www.moe.gov.sg/edumall/tl/net/orientation/index_mind.html
"The Offline Guide for the Online Generation - A Cyber Wellness Resource"
- Published by NYC and TOUCH Youth Services (TYS) in 2006
- http://www.nygr.org.sg/pages/guides_manuals.html
IPOS (Intellectual Property Office of Singapore) - iperckidz
- http://www.ipos.gov.sg/main/index.html
- Follow the link: Our Programmes > Schools
Media Development Authority of Singapore
- Includes some tips on media literacy including online safety for parents, students and educators.
- http://www.mda.gov.sg/wms.www/mediani.aspx?sid=134
Internet Industry Association of Singapore
Get Safe Online
Think U Know
- http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
- Activity - find out what your call would be when helping out your friends in an online situation.: http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/yourcall/
- Information on key threats to children and young people online
For Kids By Kids Online
- http://www.fkbko.co.uk/
- On Chat
- On Peer-to-Peer
- On Internet Proficiency Scheme (IP Scheme, UK)
- Provides virtual training for teachers.
- http://www.isafe.org/
- x-Block
- Student Tool Kit: To learn about cyber safety and what you can do to teach other students
- Predator Tip sheet
- i-LEARN Online: Online module
- Playing it Safe http://coe.nevada.edu/slefevre/playsafe.html
- To filter or not to filter http://foxweb.marist.edu/users/kbzp3/group5webquest/introduction.htm
- The Internet – a source of promise, a source of concern http://geocities.com/gailcohen14/index.htm
- Copyright http://www.edgerton.k12.wi.us/ms/Webquest/index.html
Becta e-safety
- http://schools.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=is
- Publication: E-Safety (revised)
- Publication: Signposts to safety: Teaching e-safety at Key Stages 1 and 2
- Publication: Signposts to safety: Teaching e-safety at Key Stages 3 & 4
- Publication: Safeguarding children in a digital world
- Publication: Internet Proficiency Teacher's pack
- Cybercafe is an interactive game developed by BECTA, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and DfES for key stage 2 pupils
- http://www.gridclub.com/teachers/t_internet_safety.html
- Game on Internet Safety
- http://www.netsafe.org.nz/home/home_default.aspx
- Teaching Internet Safety - Hector's World Lesson Plans: Set 1 - Your Personal Information Online
Net Alert
- http://www.netalert.gov.au/home.html
- Advice and Safety Guides
- A teacher's guide to internet safety (html version)
Child Net International
- http://www.childnet-int.org/
- Safety
- Young People
- Interactive Activity: Staying SMART online
- Fact Sheets
Wired Safety
- http://www.wiredsafety.org/
- Lessons and Activities: Helping to Make Your Cyber Safe and Information Literate
- Playing it safe
Types of Internet Addiction
Causes, warning signs and recovery
How to manage computer gaming at home